I am A Blessed Man..Boy...Child...Fetus
It has been a really long time since I wrote last. Sorry to keep you all in a state of suspense. I know you hang on to my every life affirming word. I promise this one won't let you down.
So here is an update on what is going on in my life. I am now 24 yrs old and have the same amount of schooling as a freshman in college. Though I did complete a trade school program during this time and worked a lot. I didn't just sit and fail classes for 6 yrs. I did that one and a half years. I am currently going back to school and doing well. Actually better than I did in high school which is good because I barely graduated. Hurray for low California standards. I am working at Cypress Church as the Worship arts intern which has me doing web, media, music, and the occasional tattoo. (That's not true, I have no abilities in the tattoo department; sorry for misleading you) And I am dating this incredibly way too hot and cool chick. She likes it when I call her chick...
Her name is Johanna and I am completely in love with this woman of God. She is incredible. She is a fifth grade teacher and loves the Lord with all her heart. We started talking in July, Dating in September and I now in January I know I am going to marry this woman. I always thought that people who move this fast are stupid. But God has shown us both what He has for us. We both agree that God is in control of this relationship and is guiding us to get married sooner rather than later.
My family approves all the way across the board and same with her family. I duped them some how. I won't ask questions, I'll just ride this thing out as long as she lets me. Now let me describe to you our relationship. She lives in Auburn California which 400 miles away from Cypress. God knew what He was doing when He paired us up. Though it is hard and difficult, it has forced us to communicate better than I have ever experienced, while keeping us pure in the mean time. Which is good because she is hot. Tony Rodriguez referred to her as being Gorgeous and I have to agree. She is in love with Jesus and she has a true heart of service. She serves me on a continual basis and it blesses my ministry as well as myself. I still don't know what she sees in me, but again: Don't ask questions.
The best thing is that she is a true answer to prayer. There was a while where I thought I wouldn't find some one that would challenge me in my relationship with God and I would have to drag some one with me in that area. But she does it all the time. We are going through Colosians together and I am so excited to see what comes from this. Now how we met.
We have a new Children's pastor at Cypress named Devonna Drey. She is amazing and my sister Jenifer works with her. Anyways, Johanna use to be Devo's (as we call her) intern when Devo worked at cross roads. Then Devo felt God's call to work at a school in Hawaii, and it so happened that Johanna got accepted as a third grade teacher to that school. Completely separate events. They became close friends at that point. When Devo came to Cypress she did VBS and Johanna, having moved back to state side a year earlier, came helped Devo prepare. Devo was trying to set us up from the get go, and it worked. Johanna then went to Hume Lake with the church's High School group as a leader. Our love blossomed from there. We started dating on September 15th and I have been blessed beyond what I could think possible. I truely am blessed to be apart of her life and vise versa.
I feel like a little kid again and have a new sense of rejuvenation in life. God has used her to bless me beyond what I could consider deserved. I am not worthy and but I will be thankful and am thankful.
Well this has been long enough. I'll try to write more tomorrow.
Your life Rocks! And yes so does Johanna
January 8, 2008 at 4:06 AM
Josh, just came across your blog through Jen's, and what an awesome first blog to read!
I am so excited to read about where you are in life! I look forward to hearing more about this future wife of yours!
grace and peace from Cambodia!
January 8, 2008 at 8:26 AM
who! You have come a long way from the scared 7th grader who didn't like to hang out in Mrs. Williams class, to " hansom, very hansom!" I love it!
January 8, 2008 at 9:27 AM
Josh, I am happy for you! But your post leaves me with but one question...
When do Jim & I get the privilege of meeting the future Mrs. Uhtang?
January 26, 2008 at 8:02 PM
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